Real-World Examples of Sustainability at the Workplace (and the Results)
Are you spearheading a new sustainability project for your brand? Searching for real-world sustainability in the workplace ideas to reinforce your current strategy? We combed the internet for sustainability in the workplace examples to help you develop amazing in-house corporate practices of your own. The Lunch Program - Nike Beyond Nike eco-friendly products, the brand has embraced sustainable waste management practices that transform how employees work.

Why Should You Buy Sustainable Packaging For Your Products?
Recycling has been on everyone's top of mind for years, but sustainable packaging has recently risen to be one of the top procurement specialists' criteria. There are a few reasons for this, but as every product manager knows, many business changes are due to the consumer's needs.

Workplace Sustainability in a Post Covid world
A silver lining to the Covid pandemic has been seeing the environmental improvements that have come from quarantining. Air quality has improved and may result in less air pollution-related illness and death.

Embracing Eco-Friendly Packaging at the workplace
Eco-friendly packaging is something more and more companies are concerning themselves in the 21st century, particularly given the emphasis on shipping and online commerce that has been thrown into stark relief by Covid-19. Part of the attention this packaging is getting is due to the advances in technology and manufacturing techniques, which have made these packaging options competitive, and in some cases, outright cheaper than traditional packaging choices.

4 Organizations offering Sustainable Agriculture Training for Veterans
Veterans often face significant difficulty returning to civilian life and the public workforce. Many organizations have realized this and have made efforts to ease the transition and offer alternative education and training for veterans.

Tips for Recycling Delivery & Takeout
One of the emerging ways restaurants are staying in business during the coronavirus pandemic is home delivery of meals. Partnering with UberEats and GrubHub services, businesses serving food now serve it to people in their homes.

7 Easy Steps for a Successful Restaurant Recycling Program
From leftover food to old kitchen supplies and packaging, the food industry produces a lot of waste. Restaurants, fast-food chains, and bars will save considerable amounts of waste disposal costs if they focus on reducing the amount of food they waste and increasing their recycling.

4 Food Companies Creating Products From Recycled Foods
With the growing problem of food waste and how to reduce it, many companies are using food waste to make sustainable food products. Upcycled food is food that would go to landfills.

6 Best Sanitation Practices for Restaurant to Keep Visitors Safe
As people are slowly recovering from the world of social distancing and off-premise dining, restaurateurs have to come up with creative ways to keep the magic of hospitality alive. Here are six food safety and best sanitation practices in restaurants to ensure your visitors and staff are safe: 1) Make Handwashing Mandatory It is almost impossible to understate the significance of handwashing in curbing the spread of the virus.

5 Tips for a Successful Outdoor Recycling Program
While essential to ensuring sustainability at any outdoor site, implementing an outdoor recycling program can often present a variety of obstacles. These five keystone tips for recycling should help you overcome some common problems so that you and your patrons can recycle most efficiently and effectively in the great outdoors.