A silver lining to the Covid pandemic has been seeing the environmental improvements that have come from quarantining. Air quality has improved and may result in less air pollution-related illness and death. There’s been an increase in endangered river dolphin sightings in Hong Kong. People in the northern Indian state of Punjab are delighted to see the Himalayan Mountain peaks, visible for the first time in decades.
Seeing the world’s beauty increase through a reduction in human activity has inspired many individuals and corporations to improve their waste management and recycling programs. There are many ways this can be accomplished. First off:
Do A Waste Audit
Performing a waste audit is a crucial first step to reducing, reusing, and recycling efficiently. It can also save money for your business. This site has several helpful suggestions.
Provide Ppe Disposal Bins
Convenient placement for indoor and outdoor Personal Protective Equipment disposal bins is essential in keeping your business clean and sanitary. They can prevent contamination of the waste stream and help keep your employees safe.
Start Small
It may be impossible in tough economic times to carry out a large scale project like switching to solar energy. But you may be able to switch to eco-friendly roofing materials. Or, follow our tips to start a composting program at work!
Keep It Clean
Provide a place for your employees to rinse out recyclable plastic and glass. In a single-stream process (where glass and plastics are sorted at the same facility), food on anything you throw in a recycling bin is a potential problem.
Reduce Waste Coming In
Work with your vendors to bring in items that are recycled, recyclable, or compostable.
Buy Recycled/Repairable
Items such as office furniture and file drawers can be bought used. When this happens, it has the added benefit of adding value to items that would have otherwise been sent to landfill.