How To Create A Green Outdoor Break Area With Recycled Park Benches | Waste Wise Products

How To Create A Green Outdoor Break Area With Recycled Park Benches

As an employer, there’s nothing more frustrating than a workplace that lacks energy. If you’ve ever walked through the office on a Monday afternoon, greeted by forced smiles and an overwhelming feeling that everything is moving in slow motion, you may be looking for new and inventive ways to increase productivity.

While you could easily spend a fortune on incentive programs, office renovations and other plans designed to boost employee satisfaction, most companies simply don’t have room in the budget for such elaborate options. The great news is that you don’t have to take a massive hit to your bottom line in order to put a smile on your employees’ faces! There are plenty of relatively inexpensive ways to amp up office morale, starting with creating a beautiful outdoor break area.

Warm Sunshine + Inviting Park Benches = Happy Employees

We all need a little fresh air and a change of scenery every once in a while, especially those who are confined to an office all day. If you were to visit a typical office during lunch time, you would likely witness several workers rushing off in their cars to quickly grab a bite to eat on the go, with the remainder either settling for the break room or eating right at their desks. Either way, there isn’t much relaxation involved.

For an individual to truly have a “break”, there needs to be an opportunity for them to step outside of their office or cubicle without the stress of the mad dash to and from an area restaurant. An outdoor break area is a naturally healthy solution.

Employees working in spaces with little or no windows often experience a noticeable dip in energy and productivity, especially in the second half of their day. Designating a space outside the office where employees can relax, visit with one another and feel connected to the outside world can do wonders to boost morale. With a healthy does of sunshine, a few park benches and perhaps some vibrant flowers, your employees will feel refreshed, energized and prepared to take on the remaining tasks of the day.

Looking To Energize A Stagnant Workforce? Pride Is A Powerful Motivator

Motivating your staff to fulfill their potential is easier said than done, but one thing is certain — if employees are proud of their employer, productivity is bound to increase. People want to feel good about the company they work for, to feel as though their contributions are part of something bigger.

For example, show your staff that you are committed to doing your part for the environment by maintaining a green workspace, inside and outside. When designing your outdoor break area, choose recycled park benches and picnic tables. Make an effort to reduce the amount of paper used in the office, and institute an office-wide recycling program. After all, what better place for your recycling bins than next to your 100% recycled plastic picnic tables? As a result, your staff will take pride in working for you and will naturally strive to make you proud in return.

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