Why You Need to Recycle Your Old Mobile Cell Phones

Saving Our Environment: Why You Need to Recycle Your Cell Phone

Recycle Your Old Cell Phones

It seems like new cell phones come out daily. There are always new and improved models. Many companies also allow you free upgrades when your plan is up. Sometimes, your old phone breaks and it is just time to replace it. So, what do you do with your old phone? Leave it in a drawer? There are many reasons that you need to recycle your old mobile cell phone now.

Cell phones contain harmful chemicals that can pollute our environment. They contain lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic. It is very important that you recycle your electronics the right way.

If you recycle your old mobile cell phones, they will be taken apart and reused.. They will be used to make new phones. This way, the companies do not have to have more toxic chemicals in the environment.

Some places even allow you to sell your old phone back for cash. Why not make some money while thinking about the environment?

Old cell phones just take up junk drawers or collect dust somewhere. No one likes clutter and old cell phones just lay around if you can’t use them. Why not recycle them instead of leaving them lay?

There are strict guidelines for disposing of and recycling cell phones. If you are not interested in following them, you should donate your cell phones instead of disposing of them illegally.

Some companies allow you to donate your cell phone while donating to a worthy cause. You can donate it to breast cancer, shelters, and more. Find out if your favorite charity accepts cell phones.

If you want to save the environment, donate or recycle your old mobile cell phone today. It allows the companies that make cell phones to use less of the hazardous materials; recycling your old phone into a brand new one.

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