How to Increase Your Office Recycling Rates

If you take recycling seriously, it might be stressful to you if you don’t feel that everyone in your office is participating. After all, as you know, recycling can make such a big difference, particularly when everyone chips in. It is such an easy thing to do that it can be tough to understand why others just won’t participate.

Luckily, there is one surprising change that you can make that can increase participation in recycling more than you might realize — buying more recycling bins for the office.

It might sound too simple — after all, if there are already recycling bins in the office that no one is using or that isn’t being used as much as it should be, it might not seem like there is any reason to purchase any more.

However, if you make recycling easier, you can encourage employees to recycle more than ever before. If an employee has to walk to the other side of the office to recycle rather than just tossing something into a nearby waste basket, they might not do so. If there are recycling bins placed throughout the entire office, however, there is less of an excuse for why employees aren’t using them.

Plus, adding additional recycling bins for various types of recyclables — and making sure that they are properly labeled — can help reduce confusion for those who don’t know much about sorting or recycling. You can even up the ante by buying different-colored recycling bins for various departments and comparing how much each department is recycling each week or month. After all, a little bit of friendly competition, as well as some added convenience from having additional recycling bins, might be all that the employees in your office need to start recycling more while they are at work.