2 Green Tech Startups That Could Transform Corporate Social Responsibility | Waste Wise Products

2 Green Tech Startups That Could Transform Corporate Social Responsibility

2 Green Tech Startups That Could Transform Corporate Social Responsibility

Businesses–especially small ones–that want to go green are occasionally stunted by costs and ease of switching over to greener practices, especially when it comes to energy resources. But according to an article at Washington Business Journal, green tech startups Nextility and GreenSmith Energy Management Systems can potentially remove these obstacles. These two growing businesses can transform a business’s energy usage, which in turn can help a small businesses or corporation deliver on their corporate social responsibility strategies.

Nextility (formally Skyline Innovations) is geared towards smaller businesses. From corner stores, cafes, the dry cleaners down the street from you, and even apartment complexes– and provides alternative energy solutions in 17 states. They help install solar and natural gas options in these businesses to offset energy costs for their clients while reducing the environmental costs of running on a less-green energy source. Businesses get to see lower energy bills and lower energy consumption, due to Nextility’s retrofits. As an accessible service, Nextility can transform hundreds of small businesses into an eco-friendly one while saving them money.

In contrast, GreenSmith Energy is working with companies on their battery usage and storage, and implementing the best strategies to get more out of battery storage, when and where you need it. Their technological understanding of batteries and management within a power grid can transform a company’s battery use, leading to a savings in energy but getting the most out of a battery. Currently, the company manages around 20 clients that are mostly based in California, but their current funding goals will help them expand and take on new customers soon.

These two companies are great examples of how green tech can help companies address their energy use, an important component to creating an eco-friendly company and in addressing corporate social responsibility. From a small business to a large corporation, energy use in you specific location impacts your local economy and ecology. Reducing your energy waste can not only make your business more efficient, but can help create a healthier environment.

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